Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Polish Reunions and Polish Weddings

I thought that I should host a mission reunion this year since I won't see most of these guys again after I graduate. Here we've got Gardner and Harvey up front and Whitney and Joe Ray in the back ground. Joe Ray did not technically serve in Poland but when you're at a mission reunion you just kind of assume you know everyone (even the people you don't recognize) so no one questions you.

Risley and Bitter
Whitney- keenly aware of the fact that Bitter NEVER wears deodorant.
Cragun is famous for never taking a serious picture in his life...seriously. You should see my wedding pictures.
Bitter defied all predictions and prophecy and actually got married! We couldn't believe it. And what's more- Miley 's actually not mentally impaired or blind- she's a great girl. Way to go Bitter!

This is the only picture I could find of Cragun and Ellie where Ellie isn't crying.
There's just not enough pictures of your wife breast feeding you know?

Eleanor loves plastic spoons and spatula's. They're better than toys and usually safer anyway.

This was taken at about 4 1/2 months. We can't leave Eleanor on the bed by herself anymore. She is scooting and rolling all over the place!

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