Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Last Week of Freedom from "The Man"

Wow! I start work in a week and won't stop working for the proverbial "man" for the next 40 years if statistics are close to accurate. I thought that this would be a good time to catch up on my blogging since I've got a little time. Check back often this week as we'll put up lots more pictures of Eleanor. Enjoy!

What a good looking family!

For a month or two- Eleanor was quite happy just to have her mirror in front of her for hours on end.
On our way out to New York City to look for apartments! Undaunted, this cheerful family faced the streets of Manhattan for 3 long days.
At last, they found the one. Marsela (said in a VERY sing-song way) helped the family make a speedy decision.

What beautiful wood floors you have...
What beautiful window light you have...
What an awesome 5th floor-walk-up view you have...

On the way home I prepped Ellie for her new home, pointing out sights from the sky."I just can't wait Dad! Do they really have milk on every corner??"

Back home we began to slowly get ready for the move. Eleanor made the process so much fun!
Whitney has wasted no time getting her pre-pregnancy looks back. Owwww!
Eleanor loves bath time and even likes to dry off afterwards.
We decided to sell most of our possessions before we moved to New York. Whitney and I picked this gray chair up on the side of the road in our first week of marriage. We'll miss you comfiest chair in the world...

We also sold our car to Whitney's brother Sean.


Whitney Hardie said...

I will not miss that chair - not in a million years! Ugliest thing ever!

Ellie looks so tiny in this post - it wasn't even that long ago, but she's really changed.

Deb said...

I love the sneak peek of your new apartment. It looks so cute and cozy. Love the wood floors and natural light. But most of all I love you guys! Glad you're having a great time!